Sonia (Sheine Sima) Kinn (Rotapel Kinkulkin)

Sonia Kinn, Sheine Sima Rotapel Kinkulkin, was born on May 14, 1922 in the shtetl of Mishnietz in North Central Poland near the city of Lomza, to Moshe and Bluma Gittel Rotapel. She had two sisters, Zlota (Sylvia, who...

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Philip (Feivel) Kinn (Kinkulkin)

Philip Kinn was born Feivel Kinkulkin in the town of Ivie in northeastern Poland on May 14, 1914 to Efraim Kinkulkin and Sarah Boyarsky Kinkulkin. The family made their living in horse-trading, blacksmithing, and by farming their small plot...

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Moshe Baran

Born in 1920 in the predominantly Jewish town of Horodok, Poland, Moshe Baran was the eldest of four children. In 1941, when Moshe was just 21 years of age, the Nazis stormed through his hometown. A few months after...

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Rochelle Sutin (Schleif)

Rochelle Schleif was born on July 15, 1924, and grew up in Stolpce, Poland. Her father was a very successful businessman. As a child, Rochelle experienced antisemitism in her school and around the city of Stolpce. She first crossed...

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Jack Sutin

Jack Sutin was born, on December 4, 1923 in Mir, Poland. His mother was a dentist and his father was an artist and dental technician. He experienced antisemitism in his Catholic school, but he was a sociable child and...

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