Hertzel Nohomovski

Hertzel Nohomovski was born in Novogrudok, Poland on April 28, 1920 but lived most of his life in the nearby town of Ivie. He came from a home with a rich, deeply rooted Jewish tradition and culture. His parents...

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Tova (Gutke) Nohomovski (Gantzevitz)

Gutke Gantzevitz was born in 1920 in Karelitz, a small town in Belarus. Her parents Devoshke & Zelig were merchants and owned a small grocery store in town. They had five kids, three boys and two girls. While visiting...

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Betzalel (Tzalke) Ginsburg

Tzalke Ginsburg and his brother Motke escaped from Ivie to the village of Dokodova where they joined the Iskra Otriad. Together the brothers attended a course in demolition and bomb composition and became the most accomplished diversionary partisans in...

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Marvin (Motke) Ginsburg

After situating his parents and sisters with friendly peasants, Motke Ginsburg, and his younger brother Tzalke, escaped from the Ivie ghetto and went to the village of Dokodova, where they were incorporated into the Russian otriad, Iskra. At that...

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Murray (Motke) Berger (Shmulewicz)

Murray (Motke Shmulewicz) Berger lived in a shetl named Wseilub in what was then Belorussia, White Russia. Wseilub was a small Jewish community with approximately 100 families. Murray was the youngest of seven children. All of his brothers and...

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