David Elazar

David Elazar was born on September 16, 1919, in Kosovska Mitrovica, then part of Yugoslavia. David had eight siblings, Moshe, Nissim, Yaakov, Mendel, Denisa, Regina, and Viktoria. David was the middle child among them. His father, Yisrael, worked as...

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Yechiel (Chil) Grynszpan

Yechiel (Chil) Grynszpan was born on July 6, 1916, in Sosnowica, Poland, to Sura Bajla and Moszko Grynszpan. He grew up with three sisters, Heny, Mindel, and Hinda, along with two brothers, Ajzyk and Abraham. Chil worked alongside his...

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Moshe Berkowitz

Moshe Berkowitz was born in 1898 in the small Jewish town of Woronowa, Poland, now in modern-day Belarus. Residents of Woronowa shared a strong religious faith and admiration of God’s teachings; Jewish rituals were deeply woven into their society....

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Luba Wrobel Goldberg

Luba Wrobel Goldberg was born on May 6, 1923, and raised in the shtetl of Ciechanowiec, Poland. She attended the Zionist Tarbut school and spoke fluent Hebrew. However, Luba’s schooling was interrupted after her father’s death when she moved...

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Morris Rosnow

Morris Rosnow was born to Chaim Michel Rosnow and Chana Rashka Rosnow on January 7, 1927, in the town of Zhetl, Poland, today Diatlovo, Belarus. Morris, his two sisters, Mira Shelub and Sara Rosnow, and his father survived the...

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